Friday, October 19, 2007

Peacocks and the "Dirty Dozen"

I love this picture of an albino peacock. I love peafowl anyway. I don't keep them myself because they do dastardly things to flowers and gardens, but I did bring a few over for my neighbor who wanted some, and now I can enjoy them without the personal hassle of owning them myself. The ones we brought from Grampa Bob's place are the pretty blue/purple ones. I can't remember what they are called at this early hour.

I keep thinking I'll get some myself- especially after the neighbor's hatched out some chicks...cute! But then I see them perched with their big claws on the pick up trucks in their driveway, and I shake my head, naw. Never mind.

I'll get swans instead! Only...i live on a dusty ranch. No pond.


I read a bit about pesticides in produce again, and thought I'd share the "Dirty Dozen" and "Cleanest 12" with you.

"Dirty Dozen" (worst for pesticides)

  1. peaches
  2. apples
  3. sweet bell peppers
  4. celery
  5. nectarines
  6. strawberries
  7. cherries
  8. pears
  9. imported grapes
  10. spinach
  11. lettuce
  12. potatoes

Now for the good news:

"Cleansest 12" (safest for eating)

  1. onions
  2. avacado
  3. frozen sweet corn
  4. pineapples
  5. mango
  6. asparagus
  7. frozen sweet peas
  8. kiwi fruit
  9. bananas
  10. cabbage
  11. broccoli
  12. papaya ya know!


  1. That albino peacock is a vision! Amazing. Would be fun to have peacocks, wouldn't it? So exotic -- like walking flowers. But if they would destroy my gardens, forget it. I'll just look at their pretty portraits.

    Fun blog.

  2. Hello! I love that list. Many on the bad list I will only purchase organic. Glad you are bloggin again! You gotta get a peacock!

  3. I LOVE peacocks. I've been wanting one for a while now but can't find any locally. I hear they're noisy, too - even more so than our Guinea fowl!! I did know about the "Dirty Dozen" 'cause I have the parrots and have to be so careful what they eat, but it's good info to get out there! Hugs to you!
    Audrey xoxo


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