Monday, July 4, 2011

I'll post soon- and a new idea!

I have been so busy making soap and cheese and selling the goat kids and the regular mantainence of the herd the I have not gotten around to finsihing my Part 2 cheddar post. I will!

I just wanted to say that I am thinking about offering soap making and cheesemaking classes and wonder what people would think of that? If you like the idea, please post a comment and tell me what you would like that to look like if you wanted to come, and how much would be fair to charge- with lunch included in the cheese class. I'm thinking feta, chevre with my raw goat milk and store bought milk to make mozz.
What do you think?!


  1. I would be interested in both cheesemaking and soap! As far as a fair cost for a class??? hmmmm..I would pay anywhere between $20-40??? of course I am frugal and would be more likely to take a class or classes that were in the $20 range.

  2. Go for it! The classes sound like fun! I can email you some of the details of how I teach my classes if you are interested. They are alot of fun to teach and make for a great girls night out.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful idea...unfortunately, I live to far away. LOL. But if you put it on youtube...well then {smile}.

    Also wondering what you thought of giving goats milk to a 9wk old baby? Our grandson is almost having so many issues and has been quite sick (see my blog for more details) and we are running out of options for him. Can't seem to find anyone on google that is for giving just goats milk...most supplement with breast milk, but since my dd milk has dried up, that is not an option.

    Anyway, thanks for any thoughts you might have.



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