Friday, November 18, 2011

One at a Time

I had an ipiphany today. Yesterday I was worried because I couldn't figure out what my real core belief is for my life's mission in the practical, everyday sense.
Today I was reading a book and the author wrote what I believe but never put into words for myself- so today I have it! I feel better able to live it. It's so simple it may shock you how truly lame I am that I didn't come up with this on my own. (or for those of you who know me well, you won't be shocked at all)
In my paraphrased words:
"I can't change the world.(Jesus will) But I can change the world for one person (at a time)."

So I'm trying to live in the moment. Not worried about tomorrow or regrets from yesterday- but looking-eyes wide open. I want to SEE the people God puts in front of me. Who needs the love of Jesus through me today? A hug? A smile? A sandwhich?
Maybe it's my husband or a daughter? So often I look at who is across town or across the world...maybe I need to start looking across the room more often.

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