Sunday, February 26, 2012

Eye Of The Sword Review

Click the cover to go to the website

A fantasy, a love story, adventure with all you would expect- villians, battles, intrigue, plot twists and more. I had a hard time getting into this book, not having read the first one. (This is book 2 in the series) I'm also not a fan of this genre but it looked good so I thought I'd read it and see. Once I acclimated my mind to the foreign terms, I got more interested. There are angelic beings, harps, trees, a princess and an evil prince or two...winged horses- it was quite a tale. My sons are next in line to read this, and I don't think they'll be disappointed. I'm still not a fan of this genre, but overall it was a story that draws you in, and that's what we like, right?

Get a synopsis and read an exerpt, or buy it  here
CBD has a very good price

About the Author

Karyn Henley is a best-selling children's book author and an Emmy-Award winning musician. She is the author of the original Beginner's Bible, which sold over five million copies and was translated into 17 languages, and Breath of Angel, the first novel in the Angelaeon Circle. An accomplished songwriter, Karyn has been a Dove Award nominee and received a regional Emmy Award as music composer for a Christmas television special. She lives in Nashville, Tennessee.

*Please be nice to me a give my review a ranking? Thanks~

*I recieved a free copy of this book in exchange for an unbiased review from the publisher.


  1. Another great review! I think of you often, sweet lady, and keep you in my prayers:)))

  2. Thank you sweet friend! I am blessed to be overwhelmed with children right now. ;)

  3. Sounds like a great book. Thanks for your review and thoughts. :O)

  4. Dalyn, thanks for the book review. I will check out this one and the first one for my granddaughter who is 12. I have been on a toot here of late over books......and finding myself having to dig in my heels over "what everyone else is reading".....I took a stand over the Harry Potter books with funny looks and whys? from worldly people that are closly involved in our lives.....then had to stand again over the Twilight books and movies even from some Christians in my family :o('s The Hunger Games and I'm digging in my heels once again :o)......My convictions and my heels are strong! But I do need to find good and great alternatives for my two granddaughters now 12 and 7....We do have plenty of good books from our Sonlight readers list but I still look for something that might have the "draw you in" kind of effect but for pure again I thank you for this book review.
    Blessings hun I see you too are deep in the trenches and so does our Lord! We too are thinking of looking into foster care so any advice or prayers you might have time for would be a blessing to us.
    Let me know how I can pray for you and the needs of the children in your life.


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment Be blessed!