Sunday, April 14, 2013

Agriculture Galore

The boys and I had a great time meeting people and showing off a few of our dairy goats and selling our soaps and honey bee butter bars.
Our feed store had their annual Customer Appreciation Day and we had been invited to participate. My 3 year old was in farm boy heaven across the way from our pen and table at the petting zoo. A lively little Jersey calf, bunnies and goat kids and a lamb were all passed around. He got a little possessive of the bunnies. (Poor little girl) but that's another story.
Lots of friends came by and we made some new ones as well. I love a tight-knit agrarian community. One if my good friends who is a real sweet heart brought me a mocha latte- what a friend!

We almost sold out of our soaps and hopefully out in a good word for bees and dairy goats.
The day was cold and extremely windy so the even was moved inside the warehouse thank goodness. It was funny to see a horse walking around inside, as well as alpacas and my own dear goats, who hated all the noise and fuss. Not to mention a car ride across town!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun day! I'm so glad to see that you're making soap again:)


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