Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Lost & Found Review

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So this was an interesting book by a very interesting young woman. She's intelligent and quite a writer. I struggled to get into the story at first because she started out a "little preachy" I felt, but then she got under way with telling her story with emotion and honesty. I'm sure all the people who have sat around wondering in her father's church about the gossip her life must have generated will have their curiosity satiated by her in this book. She spilled her guts, so-to-speak.
Can you imagine being the daughter of the wildly famous preacher T.D. Jakes? And getting pregnant at the ripe old age of 13? Giving birth at 14? She tells about her marriage to an NFL player later on, and his many betrayals.
I was really pleased to read that her mother and father, who had a serious reputation to protect, didn't abandon their daughter in her time of shame and need. Instead, the family enveloped her in love and care, protection, and continued through all of the drama of her young life.
I thought her story worth telling and reading. She came out a total victor- not a victim. Bless her for that! And sharing her story in order to uplift others. What courage! In the end, I admire her and her family.
*I received a copy of this book from the publisher for free in exchange for a written review* 

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