Wednesday, January 2, 2008

More and Less

In 2008, like every year, there will be some big changes. We always think of changing our circumstances, and that's all fine and well. Needed, even, sometimes. I have some of that to do too.

But mostly I'm talking about some other issues.

This past year has been a year of trials and testing. Pretty bad, to be honest. I'm looking forward to a new year! Literally.

I would love to get rid of a bunch of junk around here- we already talked about the clutter, but the truth is some of that clutter means something to the other people in my family and I can't just toss things out because they mean nothing but irritation to me. SO...that's mostly out.

I'm looking forward to more of these things: (for my whole family)

  • More filling of the Holy Spirit- Whom God gives without measure, for the asking, with the right motives!

  • Courage

  • Confidence

  • Acceptance of self and others in Christ

  • love- which is not emotion but action

  • more of the Word and obeying it

  • grace, mercy, and kindness- all those together

  • relationships- more friends and more time with them

  • fun! More fun and less duty and chores, which are always there and needed but shouldn't rule our lives!

  • Trust in God's goodness in every situation

  • excercise and good food for the bodies

  • Bible Study
  • Soap Making
  • Farmer's markets

I'm looking forward to less:

  • Worry

  • strife

  • defeat in spiritual battles

  • unbelief

  • unforgiveness

  • people pleasing

  • religion that is meaningless and a yoke

  • junk food(which crept back into my children's diets)

  • self (for all of us- others first mentality needs to return)

  • self indulgence

  • self pity

I am also looking forward to some really practical things: no longer living out of a cooler on the porch! My fridge died right before Christmas, and I'm getting a new one. Not wanted, but needed. By the end of the month all my major kitchen appliances will actually match!!

In June a ranch campout here with some good, hiking, weenie roasts, horseback riding, worship and testimonies by the fire, etc. Can't wait!

May goat babies.

Sometime in the spring a women's retreat with some of my friends by the ocean. Doing lunch, getting our nails done, shopping...oh ya!

Monthly coffee dates with the girls.

Yup...2008 is looking rosy. 2007 stunk, and I'm glad it's over.


  1. Hi Queenie!
    Praying 2008 is a wonderful year for you!
    The Love family is once again looking for a new home/homestead :) .

  2. You know "His mercies are new every morning" Let alone evry year !

    I love you,


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