Wednesday, July 13, 2011

No Baby Girl After All

Well after re-arranging my life, house, and buying and borrowing crib, mattress, and carseat...I do not have a little person to use them.
I was getting a little toddler from a sting operation  yesterday, and was prepared for a traumatized baby. I had talked to social workers, supervisors and placement coordinators and had arranged to be at the employee entrance in the back at a certain time- all to find out at the very last possible minute (as I sat in the car at the entrance!) that there was miscommunication and a relative was waiting for the child the whole time. Talk about emotional rollercoaster. I was dissapointed and upset at first, but there's no reason for a believer to freak out about those things, huh? Obviously the Lord had reasons and so as they apologized all over the place I sweetly said all was forgiven and that these things happen. I did have to nurse my wounded heart with a Starbucks Coconut Mocha though, and I even had the whipped cream and did NOT get nonfat milk this time.
When I stopped to think about it I realized one of my dear friends Joni had been praying all day for the baby and her little young mother. We had talked on the phone in the morning before the sting operation went down- she and I both were praying. So, of course the Lord was kind and let the baby go with a relative and not me, a total stranger. Prayer! Powerful!
So, I am content. And quite happy when I think of the guilt-induced promise I was given by the placement coordinator: first place on the list for the next baby!


  1. All in the Lord's timing. Yes, prayer is the most powerful thing we can do ~ in any circumstance. Shame on us all that we so often look upon it as the last ~ or even the least thing we can do for someone.

    Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><

  2. So sorry...God is doing amazing things in your life and watch out...He's never done using us for His's a wild ride and you are a wonderful mom/woman


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