Thursday, March 22, 2012

Melted Brain

So I just found out I get my package of honey bees on Sunday. I went into a fit of panic, I'll admit. For one thing, I'm not ready. I thought I had another month. For another thing I'm so tired I can't see straight most of the time. The new baby has been sick non-stop, doesn't sleep well, and then the 2 year old got sick and I got sick and the rest of life insists on continuing of brain is melting and for the first REAL time in my life I am not able to juggle it all. I am dropping the ball on a number of things and it's of course things for myself. Rehabbing my knee isn't going so well, there's just no time. I have put off the other knee surgery because, well, I just don't have time to recover!
I'm complaining a lot. I just want to slow down and enjoy my bees, the triplets my best Nubian gave birth to today, and the 3 wild babies born in the past months that I haven't had time to tame.
I know this is just a perido of time that will end. That's good, because I haven't ridden my horses in 2 years and I haven't even read a whole book in awhile. I'm getting old, and I do believe this will be my last foster baby. I'm going to retire after this little sweet one. I have to say though, it's worth it. He's sweet and a little sugar bug! I adore him, and so do we all.
Hopefully Sunday afternoon I'll get my package of bees installed in the hive okay. I haven't the veil or gloves, let a lone a bee suit, so it will take some courage. sigh. I'm half scared and half excited.
I'll post pictures when I get a chance!

1 comment:

  1. Dalyn, I can so relate to what you are going through......really...I was 46 years old and still in a boot after a very bad break to my leg and ankle that required surgery 8 screws and a plate (to be removed at a later time of which I still have not had done because I don't want to go through the healing process again)when I took on my two granddaughters ages newborn and 5......I didn't get to spend much time with my horses for several years. I even gave my beautiful donkey away because I didn't need one more thing to take care of.....Oh the sleepless went on for years....Paris is 7 now and she will still get up in the middle of the night and come and crawl in bed with me (which breaks up my sleep still).It is harder on us the older we get....i will be 53 this year and I have felt a drawing in my heart of late to check into foster care. My husband and I have been talking about it. I know that a lot of these kids that are in the foster system are either drug babies or babies with FAS....this really breaks my heart however at my age I am worried that it would be too much of a stress on us to care for a special needs child so I am very torn right now....I so want to help,I so want to share the love in my beautiful family with a few more kids. We could do it, we could make room somehow.(am I nuts?) I so beleive that if everyone would do something it would make a big difference but most who could do something don't. SAD.......hang in there, spring is here, your knee will heal the babies will be well and you will be able to get out and enjoy your animals thing that helped me a lot was I bought an elliptial trainer and an ipod that I filled with christian music :o)excercise and uninterupted no holding back worship do wonders to bring healing, peace and rest. The Lord sees your heart and the struggles you are going through (you didn't think you could reach out with the love of Jesus without some opposition from the enemy did you?)It is worth it, you are making a difference in the lives of those two babies, a huge impact for the Kingdom. Maybe you could get someone to come over and help for a time while you tame your baby kids, get your bees installed and make a batch of soap.....I at least had the other grandparents who took the girls every other weekend and still do.....It gives me some catch up time and time alone with my hubby.
    Blessings sister........I'm having a hard time getting through my books too :o)


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