Thursday, August 1, 2013

I Repent

  Hurts and resentments are so toxic.
As I'm praying today and struggling with some wounds by my older kids I got a thought I think might be from The Lord:
Stop emulating satan in that you stand before Me, spending your time in accusing the brethren. (My children)
Jesus doesn't do that. He is constantly applying grace and interceding on behalf of the brethren. (Children)


  1. I would love to be first to comment here. I love that He spoke to you this way...of course He would say that most perfect thing.He is a liberator and won't let us be ensnared by bitterness if we will yield. I've had to do this, too...this repenting. My wound was there and my way to deal with it was to go over and over the offenses done and just be angry about it. It was so well hidden in me that the Lord seemed to root it out and expose it. It is awesome to be free and to forgive. So, I am with you! It's painful to deal with our wounds, it's painful to be wounded, but it is all God to lead us through them.

    Hugs to you!

  2. Rhonda thanks for your comment and honesty. I'm really learning the value of speaking life in situations and over people! Ill post about some very interesting tools with that!

  3. This is a conformation for me. I thought this yesterday - I'm to apply God's GRACE. My son is struggling - but God is the one that can only intervene. Through prayer. This is also where I'll have peace in my time with him trusting and not focusing on the situation. Believers are under attacked and our wrestle is not with flesh and that is something that we have to remember. I love your blog though I haven't been visiting as much as I'd like. Just busy. Thank you and God Bless.


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